as I can see, this your custom features that you have implemented in your Monstra Version. So, try to install new Monstra and Move+Rewrite your code for Monstra 3 using Plugin API or as Snippets
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Monstra → Posts by Awilum
as I can see, this your custom features that you have implemented in your Monstra Version. So, try to install new Monstra and Move+Rewrite your code for Monstra 3 using Plugin API or as Snippets
Now It is possible to translate documentation … umentation
Freddynic159, I will add sub folders for doc localization. I will add this ability
Monstra Documentation is hosted on GitHub!
Everyone can contribute! … umentation
Monstra CMS 3.0.4 Release
- Fixed User Security by adding a check that compares POST id with SESSION id for none admin edits
- Fixed ability to read robots.txt
- Stylesheet: Changed minified URIs to eliminate query strings
- FilesManager: added alphabetical order for files and directories
- Localization: Major Fixes for ES locale
See more at:
There is a page: Backup in Admin Panel
Clear cache. Seems that js and css is not work properly on your env.
astralorbital, thanks, will add to monstra .htaccess
@Tomux you can add google search on your site … 0969?hl=en
This forum branch will be closed on 30.09.2015. and It will be redirects to new MORFY forum:
xxwebplus, I don't see a possibility to migrate morfy posts from this forum to that new one. Only Copy & Paste
so... I have found little time and inspiration for Morfy project...
1. New Morfy site -
2. Morfy Plugins Catalog -
3. New Morfy 1.0.6 -
Hi Guys!
to clarify everything...
Before WAR. I have:
1) Stable work. Stable life. No stress.
2) Free time, that I was spending on Sport carrier; life and extra projects - Monstra, Gelato, Morfy.
3) Monstra Meetings and Monstra Core team.
After WAR begins. I have:
1) Migrate to Russia
2) Spending a lot of time in Federal Migration Office, Police and other.
3) A lot of work, to survive.
4) I am trying to find a new friends in Russia, trying to find new connections here.
5) All free time I am spending only for SPORT and TRAVELING, no extra coding, no extra projects.
6) I don't have a stable life here, yet.
I don't know what will be next... I need more time.
Thank you for your patience.
Sergey Romanenko
Flat file CMS, without administration backend and database.
*this is a general topic for Morfy CMS
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
ok, thanks … 9970674688
We have a task for this
Image link is broken
aperion, what license is it ?
Cleditor + Kcfinder 1.0.1
- Fixes for Monstra 3!
updated sorry for delay
okay, it was mistake from our side, I was not informed about this transaction. Will add you on our "sponsors page".
@to all - please inform me directly about donations
Monstra → Posts by Awilum