Monstra CMS 3.0.4 Release :)


  • Fixed User Security by adding a check that compares POST id with SESSION id for none admin edits
  • Fixed ability to read robots.txt
  • Stylesheet: Changed minified URIs to eliminate query strings
  • FilesManager: added alphabetical order for files and directories
  • Localization: Major Fixes for ES locale


Monstra 3.0.4

Update from Monstra 3.0.3 to Monstra.3.0.4

  1. Backup your Site First!
  2. Download
  3. Unzip the contents to a new folder on your local computer.
  4. Upload /plugins/, /engine/ with an FTP client to your host.

Please add this code to your .htaccess file
# Allow read files.
<Files robots.txt>
	Allow from all