1 (edited by johnjacq89 2016-03-03 19:46:18)

Topic: about pages plugin...

There are some features in version 2. I want to transfer to version 3 of these properties. I tried to do but did not work. How can I solve this problem?

Sorry for my bad english...

2 2016-04-10 10:16:02

Re: about pages plugin...


I'm going to make some changes to pages/ blogs soon.

And plan on adding options such as Filter and possibly sorting at a later date after I've added custom fields and images.
Not sure about check boxes as the only reason I can think of is mass deletions...


will's Website

Re: about pages plugin...

as I can see, this your custom features that you have implemented in your Monstra Version. So, try to install new Monstra and Move+Rewrite your code for Monstra 3 using Plugin API or as Snippets

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