1 2014-01-04 17:17:30

Topic: admin cp blank page after login

Hi once i login to my monstra cms admincp it then throws a empty page and nothing more than that sad it worked fine when i was on 5.2.x or 5.3.x but once i upgraded to 5.4.x it then went dead and began to throw white empty page on admincp sad could you fix this asap since i got a site to work on really soon.


Re: admin cp blank page after login



What error do you see ?

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Re: admin cp blank page after login

i don't see any error hmm since it does not create any error_log file at all sad

Re: admin cp blank page after login

Setting your environment is done by setting the Monstra::$environment in /engine/_init.php

Monstra Loves You! Give some love back!

5 2014-01-04 17:33:29

Re: admin cp blank page after login

okay ty here is a pic of error

6 2014-01-04 17:35:21

Re: admin cp blank page after login

shit, error with some custome plugin.. News ? Who author ? What Plugin ? this http://forum.monstra.org/topic/241/news/ ?

Monstra Loves You! Give some love back!

Re: admin cp blank page after login

not sure i did install news but idk since after i upgraded php version to 5.4.x then admincp went dead completely and gave the empty page.

Re: admin cp blank page after login

this plugin http://forum.monstra.org/topic/241/news/ ? last version ?

Monstra Loves You! Give some love back!

Re: admin cp blank page after login

just tried it now and same error presists still hmm

Re: admin cp blank page after login

Okay apparently you couldn't have $_FILES as type of code you had to have $files instead so i did this and after that it got the admincp area back to life again no more error yet so far.