<?php Chunk::get('header'); ?>
<!-- Main -->
<div id="main">
<?php Action::run('theme_pre_content'); ?>
<h1><?php echo Site::title(); ?></h1>
<?php Users::getLogin(); ?>
<?php Action::run('theme_post_content'); ?>
<?php Chunk::get('footer'); ?>
one thing Roman, I don't know why, but using the code You gave, its not working, I mean whenever I fill the right login or pass it's refreshing the page, form disapears, but I am not logged in. Similar thing if I write uncorrect log and pass, non error message popups , like previously it refreshes page, no form, but no error message.
Could You check if this is working on Your monstra ?
If I use the code I wrote, and I have link "login" <--- everything works, but someone first have to click login link to be able to see the form.
edit: it's like when I embed this in different page than /user/ it's not comunicating with database. I am trying to embed this in gallery.template.php (my link address is like /monstra/gallery/ <-- here is embed , when I embed Your code there it's not working coz its not redirecting to /monstra/user like my code does.