Topic: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

I am trying to achieve password protection for photos and files. For example:

I have website, where I have photos and files, but I want to protect them using custom password. Without login, just password.
I don't want to protect whole page, but just the download section. How can I do that?

is there a plugin with gallery or download zone with such function?

Thanks in advance.

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files … rotection/
Read about this here or just google htaccess password protect directory tongue

(с) Roman Art
So far So good wink

RomanArt's Website

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

Thank You Roman, I was thinking of more build in feature, but if I don't find better solution I will use this.

PS. Monstra has build in feature like - pages visible only to registred user, I could use that...  I mean as a admin I will create user who will gain access to page, then on the page load I would show the login pass form. But how I can insert this form into my theme ? I tried

<?php Users::getPanel(); ?>

but that gives me login link and register, but how I can directly display the form itself ?

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

use this instead:

<?php Users::getLogin(); ?>

i think this is the best for ur case, there is no Register button there is only Login form and password recovery

but if u use this there is could be an error after u login =/ im not sure how to deal with this stuff, i get error on development mode only so i think it would be okay

(с) Roman Art
So far So good wink

RomanArt's Website

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

Roman - Thank You, that's what I needed to use, You are great !!!

6 (edited by none20 2016-01-26 12:29:53)

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

<?php Chunk::get('header'); ?>
    <!-- Main -->
    <div id="main">
        <?php Action::run('theme_pre_content'); ?>
        <h1><?php echo Site::title(); ?></h1>
        <?php Users::getLogin(); ?>
        <?php Action::run('theme_post_content'); ?>
<?php Chunk::get('footer'); ?>

one thing Roman, I don't know why, but using the code You gave, its not working, I mean whenever I fill the right login or pass it's refreshing the page, form disapears, but I am not logged in. Similar thing if I write uncorrect log and pass, non error message popups , like previously it refreshes page, no form, but no error message.

Could You check if this is working on Your monstra ?
If I use the code I wrote, and I have link "login" <--- everything works, but someone first have to click login link to be able to see the form.

edit: it's like when I embed this in different page than /user/ it's not comunicating with database. I am trying to embed this in gallery.template.php (my link address is like  /monstra/gallery/ <-- here is embed , when I embed Your code there it's not working coz its not redirecting to /monstra/user like my code does.

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

ohh i see, im not that great at this things actually, i think we have to change source code of users to get what u want, not sure how to do it ill look at it maybe figure something out, but i think someone with php skill can do it really 20 times faster that me haha

(с) Roman Art
So far So good wink

RomanArt's Website

8 (edited by none20 2016-01-28 09:40:26)

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

ok Roman, I made a good work around smile
Now it works, and meets my requirements.

And I see You still uses the Monstra, and You still helping on this board. What a pity the CMS is dead... I was really lookin into multilanguage and more plugins...
Anyway, thank You Roman for the help - You were the only one smile

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

Im not the only one lol, there is people helping all the time, and ya i like this cms, and it will never die till im here hahahaah

(с) Roman Art
So far So good wink

RomanArt's Website

Re: [QUESTION] I need to have password protection for galleries and files

I pmed u about ur question, and btw its easier for me here cause i know russian, and there are many people on russian forum smile more that on this english forum

(с) Roman Art
So far So good wink

RomanArt's Website