1 (edited by j.carters 2015-02-10 13:40:26)

Topic: Integrating with bootstrap

Hi Guys,

Quick question, apologies if it's already been asked. But i'd like to intergrate the Monstra site onto a bootstrap website for the purpose of changing/adding 2 very small pages.

One page is the careers. So that the admin can add jobs.. I've already got my template made.. 

Please let me know initial thoughts.

2 2015-02-10 15:59:03

Re: Integrating with bootstrap


Your picture doesnt show anything, link is broken...

About the Bootstrap:

You can add it to your pages, its very easy, in your theme/template include the folders and change the path, let me know if you need help on it.


http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

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Re: Integrating with bootstrap

@wormsunited Opps the image can be seen here, http://s10.postimg.org/45kzmgek8/eidnein.jpg
and yes please, I messaged you about skype. Would appreciate it!

Re: Integrating with bootstrap


If you can please share with me your template i will create for you!


PS: i reply to your PM also.

http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

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