1 (edited by drakan88 2015-02-09 10:21:18)

Topic: Problem while installing on root ftp


once again I've encounter another issue with Monstra CMS. I've made a theme, I filled the whole pages - I made a complete website on this engine. I did that on my localhost, and now when it's done I transfered this on my public ftp host, and that's when my problems started.

1. While I install on root, dashboard is missing some styles, I noticed that I can't go to tmp/minify/backend_site.minify.js or tmp/minify/backend_site.minify.css. I can't go to any file inside /tmp/ folder. I am getting "403 Forbidden".

2. The weird part is... when I transfer the same files to a sub-folder of my root for ex. "public_html/monstra/" everything works, I can go directly to all files inside /tmp/ and dashboard looks just fine.

My .htaccess looks like:

# Monstra CMS :: php & apache settings 
# Set default charset utf-8
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
Options +Indexes
# PHP 5, Apache 1 and 2.
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
    php_flag magic_quotes_gpc                 off
    php_flag magic_quotes_sybase              off
    php_flag register_globals                 off
# Setting rewrite rules.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /%siteurlhere%/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

Maybe there is something wrong in here, because You see, I've was making it on my localhost as well in sub folder instead of root. But I also tried on my public host, to install fresh installation, and it also got problems...

Re: Problem while installing on root ftp



Some installations and this deppends on your webserver, give you problems!
If you face such a problems, follow this steps:

Install in localhost and copy in hosting and go to storage/database/options.table.xml and change site_url with your hosting url

Note: Remember remove install.php


http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

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wormsunited's Website

3 (edited by drakan88 2015-02-09 10:52:48)

Re: Problem while installing on root ftp

I've already set the proper site url inside dashboard. - and that not fixed this issue.

Re: Problem while installing on root ftp

Ok I tried to install fresh Monstra on the root. And the problem persists. It's like everything works, except styles. I see the default homepage layout, but it not have styles in it. After clicking RMB and "show sources" all locations to styles seems to be ok, and I can open them with no problems at all.

Re: Problem while installing on root ftp


Did you edited the file > storage/database/options.table.xml ?


http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

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wormsunited's Website

6 (edited by drakan88 2015-02-09 18:41:43)

Re: Problem while installing on root ftp

Yes, and the proper http: url is already there.

maybe it is related, by on root when I want to edit any site page im getting this error

Aw, snap! An error has occurred while processing your request.

It's weird, because monstra is saving the changes even though it displays this error. When I return to edited page , all changes are right there. But why I am getting this annoying error?

PS. I set chmods like the documentation says.

7 2015-02-09 22:58:27

Re: Problem while installing on root ftp


I am sute you have a problem in /storage or in the CORE files somewere, yes that's weird!

Well try this:

1 - backup your theme and backup your files and pages! and storage folder, backup everything!
2 - create a new monstra installation on your localhost and try to place there one by one the folders, wille you do that test again if you get any error's.

You can do this on your localhost or in your webserver, if will give you a lot of work, but you will make it well.


http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

wormsunited's Website

8 2015-02-10 07:37:17

Re: Problem while installing on root ftp

wormsunited thank You for trying to help me once again, but You don't understood me. On my webserver even clear installation is not working well. It's weird, but I just can't go directly to any file within /tmp/ , on my second webhost everything works and I can go directly to /tmp/ . So I guess the problem is the blocked listening , but I tried to fix it by editing htaccess, I tried I guess everything I could "Options +Indexes" .

But most weird thing is that this CMS works well when is installed in a subfolder hmm

Re: Problem while installing on root ftp


Here is a full tutorial:

If a directory doesn't contain an index file (a file named "index.html", "index.htm", "index.php", etc.), Web servers will normally show an error message if someone uses a Web browser to visit the URL address of that directory.

This provides security for your files: it prevents strangers from viewing the names of all files in a directory and snooping through them, possibly finding files that are intended to be private.

However, if you actually want your site visitors to be able to see all the files in a directory, you can do that by placing a file named .htaccess in the directory. The file should contain this line of text:

Options +Indexes

After you do that (and also remove any index file such as "index.html" from the directory), anyone visiting the address of the directory will be able to view a list of all files in it and click on the individual files to open them.

Advanced directory listing customization:

You can customize the directory listings by setting certain options for the mod_autoindex module.

The following lines display a file's full name, no matter how long it is:

Options +Indexes
IndexOptions FancyIndexing FoldersFirst NameWidth=* DescriptionWidth=*

You can suppress the display of file icons by adding the SuppressIcon option:

Options +Indexes
IndexOptions FancyIndexing FoldersFirst SuppressIcon

See the Apache Web server mod_autoindex documentation for full details about IndexOptions > http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mo … dexoptions


http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms

Need help? Login at your account at: http://monstracreative.com/users/login. -> You have a excellent support center at our website! wink

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