1 2014-03-17 11:54:42

Topic: Include Morfy Library in Another PHP File

What is the correct way to include Morfy library in another file inside a plugin. For example, I have this file structure:

→ /plugins/
    → /dashboard/
    → dashboard.php
    → /views/
        → compose.php
        → edit.php

I want to make the library also work in compose.php and edit.php

PS: The separated files are not part of dashboard.php, so they will always executed separately.

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Re: Include Morfy Library in Another PHP File

it's up to you smile

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Re: Include Morfy Library in Another PHP File

But it was very difficult and uncool. I sometimes have to do this:

require '../../../libraries/Morfy/Morfy.php

or this to check for valid login:

$token = getcwd() . '/../../admin/_.txt';
if(isset($_SESSION['security_token']) && file_exists($token) && $_SESSION['security_token'] === file_get_contents($token)):
<p>You are logged in.</p>
<?php endif; ?>

Works fine so far. it’s just like I said the first time: not cool and not neat.

The full URL path, how to get that without making conflict in the future?

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tovic's Website

Re: Include Morfy Library in Another PHP File

Nevermind. I think I can do something with $_GET for this.

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