1 2014-02-12 00:17:47 (edited by tovic 2014-02-12 00:18:35)

Topic: How can I check if the plugin is not exists?

Hi, how can I check if the plugin is not exists?

if( ! Morfy::factory()->runAction('comments')) {
    echo '<p>This plugin requires comment plugin. <a href="#">Download here</a></p>';
} else {
XSS Testing <script>alert('HIYAA!!!');</script>

tovic's Website

2 2014-02-12 06:36:54

Re: How can I check if the plugin is not exists?

I got it.

if( ! in_array('comments', Morfy::$config['plugins'])) {
    echo 'This plugin requires comment plugin to be installed.';
XSS Testing <script>alert('HIYAA!!!');</script>

tovic's Website

Re: How can I check if the plugin is not exists?

yes, you're absolutely right smile

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