Topic: Question in updateWhere
Hello I have a problem to update xml, when inserted and when I delete i have no problem but in updateWhere get this error in
Monstra - ErrorException: Notice
Array to string conversion
This is the code
//Update event if(Request::post('editEvent')) { if (Security::check(Request::post('csrf'))) { // Id of table $id = (int)Request::get('editEvent'); // Request data $title = (string)Request::post('title'); $content = (string)Request::post('content'); $date = (string)Request::post('date'); // If empty data if(empty($title)) $title = __('Title no added', 'sandbox'); if(empty($content)) $content = __('Content no added', 'sandbox'); if(empty($date)) $date = __('date no added', 'sandbox'); // Insert records $Events->updateWhere(['id="'.$id.'"'],array( 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'date' => $date )); // Success Notification::setNow('success', __('Your event has been edit ', 'sandbox')); // Redirect Request::redirect('index.php?id=sandbox'); }else{ die('csrf detected!'); } }
if you need more details I leave the plugin download
I want to create multiple templates for plugins and whoever fast learn to use.
..::: Moncho Varela ::::.. ..::: @Nakome ::::.. ..::: Github ::::..