Topic: Video Tutorial - How to create Theme for MonstraCMS
Hello everyone im glad to present to you my new video tutorial about creating Themes for MonstraCMS.
Hope you enjoy it, i try my best to explane everything i could remember
p/s sorry for my english, im Russian
Info about video:
I attached .zip file with html theme and monstra theme
44 mins long, i could not make it less =/
there are could be questions u can ask in this topic
Watch in HD
(Better install theme on fresh MonstraCMS, it has menu files pages files etc)
How to install monstra theme:
Move all files from folder "MONSTRA-CMS Theme" to your server: www/
Admin panel - Extends - Themes - Site theme - Select theme - tut001 - Save
Found a bug with links, if u have children pages ur styles and images will no longer work.*How to fix*
Please change all links to images, css, js and etcfrom:
<?php echo Site::url(); ?>public/themes/tut001/I'm sorry, but i totally forgot about this case...
Also i found an issue when you need to run actions from plugin which add styles.
pls add this in <head> section:<?php Stylesheet::load(); ?>loading plugins css's.
then add in footer after Copyrights this code pls:
<?php Javascript::load(); ?>loading plugins js's.
So far So good