Monstra CMS 2.3.0 Beta is now available for beta testing :)

Here is a list of major changes/fixes in this second beta:

- Update Twitter Bootstrap to 2.3.2
- Update PHPMailer to 5.2.7
- Monstra: Added ability to map Monstra Engine Directory
- .htaccess SEO improvements
- Files Manager: jasny bootstrap-fileupload - added #89
- Security: Added limits for login attempts #104
- Security: Obfuscate users email to prevent spam-bots from sniffing it.
- Users Plugin: login page fixes
- Pages Plugin: page expand ajax bug #115 - fixed
- Localization: PL added
- Localization: NL added
- Localization: DE fixed
- Maintenance Mode Improvements
- Core: ORM::configure - driver options added
- Gelato: Image.php fix for PNG files
- Fix Number.php: Undefined offset
- XMLDB: error select for empty table fix
- Update Stylesheet.php - sourcecode misses a linebreak after minified css
- Pages Plugin: General method getPages() created #123
- Users Plugin - Deleting users - fixed by Oleg Gatseluk #158
- Pages Plugin - Improved available() method to show only published pages
- Monstra Email Templates #164


Report any bugs you find via GitHub or Monstra Forum.

Remember, this is a beta release for beta testing, is not considered stable and should not be used for live web sites.