Hi there, it seems you have the file for english as a default value i did downloaded and found the file with the language settings located on: summernote>src>js>summernote.js.
$.summernote = $.summernote || {};
$.extend($.summernote, {
version: '@VERSION',
lang: {
'en-US': {
font: {
bold: 'Bold',
italic: 'Italic',
underline: 'Underline',
strike: 'Strike',
clear: 'Remove Font Style',
height: 'Line Height',
size: 'Font Size'
image: {
image: 'Picture',
insert: 'Insert Image',
resizeFull: 'Resize Full',
resizeHalf: 'Resize Half',
resizeQuarter: 'Resize Quarter',
floatLeft: 'Float Left',
floatRight: 'Float Right',
floatNone: 'Float None',
dragImageHere: 'Drag an image here',
selectFromFiles: 'Select from files',
url: 'Image URL'
link: {
link: 'Link',
insert: 'Insert Link',
unlink: 'Unlink',
edit: 'Edit',
textToDisplay: 'Text to display',
url: 'To what URL should this link go?'
video: {
video: 'Video',
videoLink: 'Video Link',
insert: 'Insert Video',
url: 'Video URL?',
providers: '(YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram, or DailyMotion)'
table: {
table: 'Table'
hr: {
insert: 'Insert Horizontal Rule'
style: {
style: 'Style',
normal: 'Normal',
blockquote: 'Quote',
pre: 'Code',
h1: 'Header 1',
h2: 'Header 2',
h3: 'Header 3',
h4: 'Header 4',
h5: 'Header 5',
h6: 'Header 6'
lists: {
unordered: 'Unordered list',
ordered: 'Ordered list'
options: {
help: 'Help',
fullscreen: 'Full Screen',
codeview: 'Code View'
paragraph: {
paragraph: 'Paragraph',
outdent: 'Outdent',
indent: 'Indent',
left: 'Align left',
center: 'Align center',
right: 'Align right',
justify: 'Justify full'
color: {
recent: 'Recent Color',
more: 'More Color',
background: 'BackColor',
foreground: 'FontColor',
transparent: 'Transparent',
setTransparent: 'Set transparent',
reset: 'Reset',
resetToDefault: 'Reset to default'
shortcut: {
shortcuts: 'Keyboard shortcuts',
close: 'Close',
textFormatting: 'Text formatting',
action: 'Action',
paragraphFormatting: 'Paragraph formatting',
documentStyle: 'Document Style'
history: {
undo: 'Undo',
redo: 'Redo'
Also, the css is there too, well for me this is a very strange plugin and have a few bugs on tags.... But if it works for you good!
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